CV is attached here: ZhaohuiZhi_resume


I am currently a first year PhD student of the Advanced Materical Thrust, Hong Kong University of Science and Technoloy (GuangZhou), graduated from School of Physics, Beihang University, have been on exchange at TU Dresden and Max Planck Institute of Physics of complex systems.

My research interest spans multiple fields:

  1. Quantum many-body physics
    • Non-equilibrium many-body dynamics such as many body localization, ETH, quantum many-body scars, (pre-)thermalization, non-equilibrium phases and related quantum thermodynamics and statistics, dissipative dynamics of open systems.
    • Many-body physics calculation, including ED, tensor network based method such as MPS.
  2. Quantum information and Quantum computation
    • Quantum information scrambling and related dynamics
    • NISQ devices implementation
    • Quantum error correction code and quantum information paradox related.
    • Quantum circuits model.
  3. Quantum simulation based on Rydberg atom arrays
    • condensed matter physics accessed by quantum simulation such topological phases, topological order and other entanglement matter.

I have done research on implementation of noise device based on Rydberg atoms, and novel states simulation based on two-components Rydberg atoms arrays, currently I am doing research on a project combined both quantum many body scar and thermodynamics. Please looking forward to it.

I think I am actually a person with idealism. I am easygoing and cheerful, love life, live passionately, and like to chatter (if you can be on the same channel with me). Because of my little disability of listening, it is also a pity that I have no opportunity to communicate with many people deeply. And maybe it is because I suffered a lot in the past I often want to bring happiness to others. I think that life is to pursue beauty and sublimity by giving light and heating.

First is the pursuing beauty side. I like history, reading poetry and prose, reading poetry and history. I like outdoor sports. I have a strong interest in nature in the world. And the extensive readings in physics, literature, aesthetics, and history have altogether solidified my belief that physics, nature and literature share a common aesthetic core.

I perceive physics as an art form akin to beautiful poetry. On the basis of certain scientific and humanistic qualities, I have always been deeply attracted by the awe and love of knowledge, the noble and beautiful pursuit of human mind, the beautiful theories and ideas, the beauty of symmetry, covariance and simplicity; I like to learn a lot of new things and understand a certain concept. The will to explore the unknown, learning a certain skill or establishing knowledge system on specific field will naturally bring joy. This is my own academic or non-academic taste. I carefully, rigorously and open-mindedly explore the depth, undergo transformation, and form my own unique things… that is, independent thinking and free spirit.

And out of the desire for aesthetics, I really enjoy outdoor sports where I can touch and appreciate nature, such as skiing, MTB rider, Road cycling, hiking. I can indulge in mountains and rivers.

I like history, reading poetry and prose to amuse myself, especially the romantic poetry of the Six Dynasties, the Tang Dynasty and the British, and the history of modern times, the Tang Dynasty and the British Victoria.

The sublimity side is embodied in collectivism and national sentiment. As a Marxist (I hope I can more deserve this word), I think it is a noble thing to contribute to the same cause as those heroic predecessors and martyrs in history. I hope to make some contributions to this cause. In daily life, the sense of sublimity may come from the sense of belonging and dedication to a larger group.

As a member of the competitive team of the Beihang Air-Cycling Association, I have organized many activities for the teachers and students of the school. I have volunteered to repair vehicles for the teachers and students of the school in the past two years, and participated in many municipal cycling events. I have always hoped to let more people feel the joy of cycling, and I also hope that all students in the school can participate in this sport, be interested in it, and maintain a good exercise habit.

It is still necessary to maintain love and persistence in this world. Persistance is out of love, and Habit is out of persistance. Habit is really the most profound force in the world. Most of what I do is out of love. And I hope I could sustain this love and persistance.

本人目前为北京航空航天大学物理学院2020级本科生,中国共产党党员;准24fall全聚德选手,满世界寻找PhD项目,请各位有funding and position的尽管联系我!


  1. 量子多体物理学

    • 非平衡多体动力学,如多体局域化、量子多体疤痕、热化
    • 多体物理计算,包括ED、DMRG、MPS等,关注强关联系统、限制系统等。
  2. 量子信息与量子计算

    • 量子信息传播及其相关动力学
    • NISQ设备实现
  3. 基于里德堡原子阵列的量子模拟

之前在华为昇腾做过一点偏计算机方面的模型迁移和部署(CSPdarkNet53 etc.),还有医学物理的图像处理(dual energy CT)量子优化控制(implementation of noisy device based on Rydberg atoms),以及双组份里德堡原子新奇物态的模拟






Hobbies: (outdoors sports) Cycling, hiking, skiing, poem, history, music, novel, and any other such as natural history, traveling.
